Best Price Guarantee

Book directly with us.

You have a wide range of options to book your holiday. All the various sales and booking channels have, of course, their advantages, and we as hosts also benefit from the variety of sales opportunities.
However, you always have a direct contact with us when you BOOK DIRECTLY with us. We can discuss all your questions and your personal wishes in a confidential and uncomplicated way. Direct contact with you is important to us; We guarantee you the best price and our full commitment. This gives us the opportunity to "get to know" you a little before you arrive and give you the confidence to be properly understood.
You can BOOK DIRECTLY with us in different ways. On our website you can see quickly and clearly all booking options. This allows you to choose the type you prefer, whether by phone, by E-mail, through the booking tool on our website or at the reception desk.
We are here for you.
Stephan Huber and Béatrice Müller Huber

Our Prices

You deserve the best and most fair price. That is why we are working with a dynamic pricing system. You will find the latest price for your requested date with a booking inquiry.

You can choose between a refundable or a non-refundable rate. In case of the latter, we recommend the completion of a travel cancellation insurance amounting to 4% of the total amount. We are happy to help you!

If you find a better price on a different website on the same day, for the same stay, we will adjust the price to the cheaper offer. This guarantee is valid at rates with the same conditions (accommodation category, cancellation period, number of persons, length of stay).

Our bank details for transfers in Swiss Francs

Graubündner Kantonalbank
CH-7270 Davos Platz

Solaria Davos AG
Konto-Nr.: 10 297.995.200
BLZ: 774
IBAN: CH04 0077 4010 2979 9520 0

Postscheckamt St. Gallen
Begünstigter: Solaria Davos AG
Konto-Nr.: 90-165308-2

Our bank detailsg for transfers in Euro

Deutsche Bank
D-78462 Konstanz

Solaria Davos AG
Konto-Nr.: 0424184 0

BLZ: 69070032
IBAN: DE35 6907 0032 0042 4184 00

Our Cancellation Conditions


Summer 3 days*
Winter  14 days*
Christmas / New Year 30 days*


Summer 14 days*
Winter 21 days*
Christmas / New Year 30 days*

* If we are successful in letting the apartment to somebody else, the payment will be refunded less an administration fee of CHF 50.00.